Top Landing Page Form Practices To Consider

Landing Page

When someone visits the landing page of a website, the visitor can be converted into a potential customer. Hence, it is necessary to design the landing page with form templates that render the maximum impact. There is no concept of the perfect landing page, but there are certain key practices. The key practices will help one to get the results and eliminate the chances of losing vital leads.

A clear, well-defined pitch

Every business wants to seek benefits from the offers and services presented on its landing page. The landing pages are designed with a form where the visitors are asked to sign up for free trials. This is not the only method businesses depend on to convert visitors into customers. The landing page also offers a brief section with products and services offered by the business. When the visitor is thrilled about the potential offering, he/she becomes more interested in submitting the form. Thus, it is necessary to have a well-defined, and clear description of the benefits of submitting the form.

Providing reassurance to visitors

When a visitor is concerned about something, he/she will in all probability look out for answers and solutions somewhere else. No visitor wants to be played upon:

· Getting emails that he/she didn’t sign up or subscribe

· Spending on products and services that is not worthy

· Being charged more

Henceforth, high-converting landing page forms are designed to offer reassurance to visitors. The purpose is to predict the concerns of the visitors and customers and address them with solutions. When customers are reassured on the landing page forms, it enhances trust and reflects the business valuing their problems.

CTA or Call to Action

CTA or Call to Action is the key component for the landing page with form templates. Businesses must focus on their biggest challenges and issues before coming up with an enticing CTA. Furthermore, it is important to assure that the words used on the CTA (Call to Action) button includes everything that can create a significant impact on customers. Creating a custom-made CTA enables customers to understand and expect exactly what they think as they click on the CTA button. Different color contrasts are used to stand out from the standard gray background, and attract attention.

Including the FOMO tactic

FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out, is an impressive technique used on landing pages. This enables the visitors to a page to act instantly/immediately, rather than leaving the web page and forgetting all about it. Exclusiveness is the best strategy that is used in the FOMO landing page practice. Landing page forms must ensure that the visitors and customers are the first ones to get updates before others. Offering time-bound discounts and offers on the form also encourages visitors to act right away.


The goal of any landing page is to get the maximum conversion from visitors to potential customers. The more leads, mail subscribers, webinar signups, etc., the better the sales of the business. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include the best practices concerning the landing page with form templates.