Should You Outsource Link Building?

Link Building

Links are part of your overall search engine optimization strategy to increase traffic to your website and grow your online business. Even though some links take visitors away from your site, they will increase your searchability by establishing you as part of a more extensive network of information.

There are two types of links: internal links and external links. Internal links navigate visitors around your website from one article or page to another. The more links you have available, the more reader-friendly your content will appear. Visitors will stay on your site longer when they are looking at multiple pages or articles. While internal links are valuable, they are not nearly as helpful as external links.

External links take people from your website to other websites and from other sites to your website. It creates an interlinked community of content online. The community of information creates a better experience for visitors because they are easily able to move from one site to the next while staying on the topic they are researching.

Creating external links is two-fold. Creating links from your website to another site involves researching other valuable content that adds to yours and will enrich the readers’ experience. When setting up a link, you want to make sure you set the link to open in a new window, so the visitor is not taken away from your website. Be careful not to send your visitors to websites that do not offer quality content as that will lead them to start a new search, which will navigate them away from your site.

Getting external links to your website is a bit more complicated. It would help if you were involved in online communities, be active on social media, reach out to other sites that may share your content, create mutually beneficial relationships, and more. Building strong and consistent external links can turn into a full-time job, especially if you are new to SEO and learning as you go.

Outsourcing link building will save a significant amount of time and frustration while also reducing the number of mistakes and missteps taken. Utilizing a link building service with years of experience and knowledge in SEO will provide a more efficient and streamlined process. While you will be paying for the service, you will be saving money in the long run.

Too often, small business owners feel they need to do as much as they can themselves to save money. However, they need to remember that their time is valuable, so saving time is saving money. The less time they spend on tasks like link building, the more time they can spend on tasks that are more direct to their business development and operations.

You can outsource link building to a company with years of experience and knowledge of best practices like LinkGraph. LinkGraph will work with you to determine your specific needs and your vision for website growth. They can learn what kinds of content and websites will complement and enhance what you are publishing and work to establish high-quality external links that will drive more traffic to your site while establishing you as a trusted authority.

Using LinkGraph is also beneficial because they understand the critical role of social media in link building and can provide guidance or direct operation of your social media presence. While people often refer to internet marketing, social media marketing, and SEO separately, they are intimately connecting and must work together to create a comprehensive online marketing strategy. The more people you can guide to your website through links from other sites and sources, the more credible the website will appear.