3 Tips For Managing Remote Teams

Remote Teams

While a significant portion of employees across the US already held some remote positions or worked off-site, the numbers increased exponentially after the pandemic.

At least a quarter of the total US population is working or has worked from home at some point for a while. And, 55% of organizations globally are offering remote work in some capacity.

So it has become a necessity for managers to have a framework that supports managing remote workers too.

Challenges In Remote Working

Following are a few challenges faced by remote working teams:

  • Lack of face-to-face interaction
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of access to information
  • Amplified issues with existing silos
  • Distractions at home

Many managers have difficulty managing their employees during these unprecedented circumstances as they had no supporting framework for remote employees. Likewise, employees had trouble handling their work at home. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the problems you are coming across to tackle them most effectively.

Manage Remote Teams Like A Pro – Here’s How

Managers are consistently looking for solutions to minimize the challenges in remote teams because it can significantly affect employee productivity. Here are a few inexpensive yet practical solutions that can bring ease in managing your remote workers.

Equip Employees

One of the things that can distress your remote employee is not having adequate equipment that they require for the job. And, these pieces of equipment go way beyond just a smartphone and a laptop.

If you expect your employees to attend virtual meetings, ensure they have the necessary equipment, i.e., a proper camera, microphone, earphones, etc., to ensure smooth communication and execute the job. Since not having the compatible technology required can slow down the work and productivity of the employee.

Use Integrated Framework

The biggest challenge usually remote employees face is the lack of interaction and disrupted flow of work. Therefore, you need to have an integrated framework that allows you to stay connected with the employee at all times.

Many IoT-based solutions can help you maintain workflow by identifying business goals, patterns, and priorities and help you guide your employees from anywhere. In addition, these solutions can improve employee productivity as you will get analytical reports of their progress.

Focus On Output

Remote working concerns 51% of employees about their work-life balance.

When employees work from home, they have added responsibility due to their commitments at home, too. At that time, you need to understand that they will have their way of managing their work. So, being an exemplary manager, you must let them complete their work in ways that the employees find easiest and most productive.

In a study, it was found that 82% of employees enjoy flexibility in remote work. So, empower flexibility wherever it’s possible. For example, decide on a virtual meeting at a mutually agreed time, use tools that can help them instead of making their lives more complex, etc.

It would be best if you focused more on the output of the work and less on the process. This will give your employees the leverage to relax and have a stress-free work and life balance.


There are endless ways you can approach an employee to manage his work. So, you must choose the one that does not add more stress but instead makes their life simple and easy. Each tip requires your attention and consistency towards the employee. But implementing them will provide your organization with long-term benefits.